Hugging can be super common in chats, but not everyone is comfortable with or
wants to be hugged, so I’ve put together this set of commands to let people
opt-in to hugs if they want them.
The way this works is that I have created a special currency that I named
huggable in MixItUp:
So, we have 3 cats as of the time I’m writing this post, and I wanted to have a
!pet command that could pet them all at once or individually. This seems to be
different to how many !pet commands are set up because it can accept 0-n
arguments (where n is the number of pets to choose from).
I will break this guide up into a two main parts: Action Groups and the Command.
I have one Action Group for each pet that the Command will use. I chose to use
Action Groups now because it gives me the ability to re-use the individual pet
actions anywhere else I may want them, but I originally created them because my
first draft of this command was repeating the pet actions in multiple places,
which can be a hassle to update each time. I have since simplified this, but
feel free to put this logic into the Command itself. The process will be the same
either way.
These instructions are for an early version of the PNGTuber Roulette used in
PerhapsSam's streams. I will put together a
newer tutorial once I have worked out this issues with it. The new version
uses MixItUp's timer widgets, which will allow showing countowns of time
left for each PNGTuber.
I was asked to set up a roulette to choose a random PNGTuber as a Twitch channel
point redeem. After watching a couple YouTube tutorials on how to change a
PNGTuber with MixItUp, I came up with something that works fairly well.
The process here can be broken down into five basic steps: set a hotkey in your
PNGTuber application, generate a random number, use that number to select a
PNGTuber, wait for a set amount of time, and revert back to the default avatar.
So first, we need a hotkey, and we need this because we will tell MixItUp to
press this hotkey, which will change our PNGTuber to the one that was randomly
selected. You will need one for your default avatar and one for each of the
available options.